Saturday, November 2, 2019

Business and Marketing strategy (case Study) Essay

Business and Marketing strategy (case Study) - Essay Example Beverage industry is one of the most dynamic industries that are applying this concept to great effect (Boone et al. 2009, p. 194). Beverage industry is broadly classified as alcoholic and non alcoholic. In both categories there are exemplifications of global marketing. World’s non alcoholic industry is grappled with tough competition by the two large players Coca Cola and PepsiCo. Both the giants are expanding their value horizon across different countries. Though there are numerous companies engaged in providing global beverages, the two giants are at top with extensive portfolio of products tailor made for countries. Though both companies are equally successful, Coca Cola leads the global market, with PepsiCo being on its tail continuously (Cardello 2011). Provide a detailed assessment of the environmental issues affecting Coca Cola global business and marketing strategy. Given guidance in terms of opportunities or threats they may pose for the company in the future. Coca C ola Company is one of the leading companies in the world that is dealing in the manufacturing and distribution of non-carbonated beverages. The brand portfolio of the company entails more than 400 brands including beverages, juices, tea, sports and energy drinks, coffees etc. Strong brand name and brand portfolio has led the company ahead of its close competitors, Pepsi which has a brand value of $12,690 million as compared to $67000 million of Coca Cola (The Coca Cola Company 2011). Since its inception, it has continuously improved upon its marketing strategy that has facilitated the customer recall and recognition of brand overall the world making it easy for Coca Cola to explore new markets. The international marketing strategy of the company can also be quoted as the major reason behind its huge success. However, intense competition and threats are ever-present elements of the external environment that might have a large impact on the company’s profitability. SWOT ANALYSI S SWOT analysis can provide a snapshot of the current performance of the company and of the dark areas that are required to be eradicated so as to avail the new opportunities that can further enhance the company’s performance. SWOT analysis is the best way to study the impact of external environment on the organization’s marketing and global strategy (Mind Tools Ltd. 2011). STRENGTHS: Leading Brand: This is a recognizable fact that Coca Cola has a strong brand name and brand value that is incomparable. From the last few years, company has invested a lot on the promotions that has enhanced the brand’s customer recall and recognition as well. Large scale of operations: Coca Cola is known as the largest manufacturer, marketer and distributor of non alcoholic beverages in the world having a large scale of operations. Currently, Coca Cola is successfully operating in more than 200 countries due to having a support of the strong infrastructure across the world. WEAKNE SSES Negative perception of coke: It is a known fact that a recognizable product â€Å"coke† can be harmful for a body. Therefore, this shift of trend towards weight reduction and health can adversely affect the company’s profitability in the future. Lack of popularity of many Coca Cola’s brands: Furthermore, many of Coca Cola’

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