Saturday, December 14, 2019

Home Care Housing Hrm Free Essays

This report showing the few HR issues currently faced by Home Care Housing. Over 12 years, Home Care Housing Association has employed more than 600 employees. Among those employees, 40% of them will be male and 60% of them will be female. We will write a custom essay sample on Home Care Housing Hrm or any similar topic only for you Order Now This also proven that there will be no proper ratio in workforces between men women. About 60% of female is placed in certain roles and departments such as auxiliary, nursing and office staffs group but none in the managerial and supervise division. This will be considered as one of the gender discrimination. Some units which transferred from local authority will be faced the issue of variation such in levels of pay, hours of work, shift payments and holidays. Head office staffs have increased rates due to cost of living increasing every year but unit staffs none. Unit staffs working hours per week were longer than head office staffs. Even in term of holiday entitlement, head office staffs also entitled more compared to unit staffs. Shift payments are also different in some units due to long service for nursing and auxiliary staffs. Hence proven again the term and conditions in organisation’s policy was not consistent. Because of the strong philanthropic aspects permeating the organisation so that no redundancies happened in the organisation and manager is given too much of autonomy. Some of the managers have simply decided to increase staff pay across the board which based of yearly budgets or sometimes skipping years. The discrimination issue has been noticed while a complaint has been received from a member of staffs mentioned that one of the manager is biased on the good staffs who willing to follow their instructions by giving them monetary advantages like incentive, increment on pay and non-monetary benefits like preferential shift patterns and extra time off. For those staffs whose are refused to comply will get bad shifts and do not have a rise of pay. Irregularity of reward strategy was happened when the cost of living awards only given to those staffs which unit has been transferred from local authority. The payment structure and reward strategy has been introduced but never been considered by them. Furthermore will be the race and religion discrimination issue which one of a family member of residents of one home has viewed the profile of one staff who took care of their family member was from anti-semetic groups and different races from them, so they refused to let that staff to work for their family member. Besides, another discrimination on age issue occurred when one of the manager has posted few deprecating comments about the senior management of the organisation have been corner cutting some of the care standards. For the employees who joined early days are well motivated and most of them were union members. They had the meeting regularly and persuading the others to join as union member. For the other staffs who are non union member who refuse to comply with unionized manager are treated unfairly and have not been motivated by management. On the other hand, another issue will be lack of communication between the older unit management with their staffs. They may have no regular briefing as other units done and always received a lot of complains and grumbles from staffs in the matter of facilities providing and upgrading. In addition, issue of misuse of social media also occurred in the organisation. The organisation had set up an own ‘Facebook’ page which provided the company information. Although the â€Å"Facebook’ page was successfully attracted some new clients but some negative news like care home abusing and some heated argument which involved of own staffs participation were posted up in the page. Workplace intimidation was happened as one of the family member of one resident has complaint and blamed the cleaning staff has stolen their resident money. They manager of that unit who want to investigate deeply about the case has been threatened by the family member. The organisation has faced the issue of high employee turnover and difficulty on hiring new staffs. The managers found that the applicants were not suitable and even some of the posts have to be advertised so many time before getting the suitable applicants. One of the manager has done for the survey and spoke to the staffs who have resigned from the organisation, realized that those resigned staffs are leaded to other local organisation not only because of they get higher pay than your organisation but other organisation did provided the training and development programme which lead to their position. The organisation did not have proper essentials to meet the standardization of care quality via care quality inspection. Although the organisation did have own policies but didn’t not meet all this standard requirements. As well as the organisation also lack of individual development plans for staffs as a lot of staff did not have certain working skills and poor supervision of managers. Some of the quality manager did not realised the important of having standardisation to care of quality and commission. And some of the quality manager had told their staffs to follow the standard requirements but they did not have proper check after instructing. How to cite Home Care Housing Hrm, Papers

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